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For technical support with one of our products, please fill out the appropriate fields in the form below. Upon submittal, you will receive an email notification that your support request has been received. You will then receive a response from one of our technical support people.


Indicate the equipment requiring support.

Provide Humboldt part number, if possible.

For information on how to find your firmware version, 点击这里.


Indicate the software requiring support.

You have chosen “Other”, please enter the software name.

This field is required when 'Other' is selected above.

Provide software version number. For information on how to find your software version, 点击这里.

Indicate what testing equipment you are using with the software.

*问题详情 & Notes (required for both hardware or software support)

When entering your problem details, please be as specific as possible.

This field is required.

(可选) Include log or machine file that demonstrates the issue:


Your Contact Information:

All contact fields are required except phone numbers.


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